Friday, December 5, 2008
The easier way to travel...Digital Tour!!
The language of the students who will use this video podcast is Spanish, they are in the average of 18 years old, and they attend to an English course in Santiago, as my goal is to help students that are interested in learning English and improve it each day, this video podcast was made for people that need to have a intermediate level of English; and the aim of it, is for people to reinforce their skills (reading-writing-listening-speaking).
- Language Objectives (podcast):
- The student must write about a trip that she/he did, or if they haven't done any, they can write something about a trip that they would love to do. (we need to know the background of the student first in order to choose what kind of assignment is appropriate for them).
- At the beginning of the video there are some pictures of Seattle. They have to talk with their partner, (if it is in the classroom) and explain her/him what are the differences between Seattle and the city that they are living in.
- Listening comprehension: The student has to extract some information about the Space Needle, that was given from the tourist guide and Nina. After that they will answer some questions: -How many inhabitants does Seattle have?; - How tall is the Space Needle?; - What is the name of the tourist guide in the elevator?; - What is the name of the oldest residential district?
- Language Objectives (series):
- The students will do different kind of exercises related to reinforced the four skills.
- Content Objectives (podcast):
- The student will know how to give information about what they hear and understand.
- Content Objectives (series):
- The students will know more about other cultures, and also learn vocabulary related with what is shown in the video, moreover some facts that each different city has.
In the podcast you can find some explanation and definition of things that may the student don not know, in the same way the video starts with pictures and calm modern music, and after that starts the speaking part, so in that way the student can engage immediately with what is shown in the video.
Finally in this video podcast you can see the use of the four skills in the activity, listening, reading (the information that appears in the video), writing and speaking. The use of realia in the video, when Nina is in the cab, and also you can see the use of teaching through content; with the vocabulary.
Monday, December 1, 2008
If only he knew....

Some sites where they can learn more about language acquisition:
First what is Language acquisition...
Then a little bit of Krashen...
and finally a whole menu of second language acquisition...

(sorry for the delay, I thought it was already published)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A topic in language education that I want to know more about
Since my experience in Lewis and Clark high school, I realized that student must know how to write properly in order to be understood, and also to reach more in life that just a lower job. I would like to know how can I fill in the gap that students may have in some way during the process of language acquisition, I think that is not good to leave that space empty because then the kids are going to have that emptiness for the rest of their lives.
I found some interesting places on Internet to teach writing in different ways, but i could not find places about the topic itself.
Some factors to consider: an action list.
Teaching Index
Approaches & Methods in Second Language Teaching
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Podcasting my way to mastery of English

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Response to a question about English teaching
Re: Cross Cultural Awareness
by Cristina Ramos on Nov 20 2008 2:14 AM
You can do some activities with your students in order to them understand each other culture, as an example of that, you can put them in groups (depends on how many students do you have) and try not to put more than 2 students from the same country together, if you classroom has computers ask to the student to log in and look for tipical things of their country in pictures and ask them to show them and explaine it in front of their classmates, I think that images and the fact that kids really love technology, is going to make the class more interactive and meaningful for them, then the student can share some of their native language, explained it what is the name of those especifics things that he/she showed to the rest of the class. If you classroom doesn't have tech, you can do something similar with a map and some draws. Would be a good idea if you introduce the activity to the students by saying that each of their culture (where they are from) is important, it's what they are or something like that :).
I hope this can help you good luck.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Websites that might help
This morning I saw a student having problems doing his assignments , with writing and not only him but the others two Russian students, they don't really know how to write, they mixed their language with English and the writing is something hard to understand; I realized too that the teacher didn't care too much about it because I told him: "hey Mr. X, what about this kid, he is not doing anything..." and the only response that I received was a gesture with his face, like trying to say: "hm I don't care", then after that I pulled together everything, last Friday with the visit of some man looking for jobs for the students in the classroom because they already have enough age to work; and I know that it is OK in someway because they don't have enough money in their families but on the other hand that means that the teacher doesn't have high expectations of their future. After a while the teacher said that to me (I mean the gesture), I felt like I didn't know what to do I felt useless for them, because we had to help them with their writing, but in what I could help if they don't write anything just because they don't feel like they can do it. I took some minutes to thing about it and then I tried to start helping a Russian student with his writing, when I went to his desktop he immediately stopped what he was doing, and I started to speak to them about the first line, and we talked a lot so I told him you have a really good English!!...and he was kind of surprised about it, but it was true he really speaks very well, the problem is when he tries to put the ideas on paper then it is a mess and that because he have the problem of their first language as a interference he writes with the Russian alphabet some words, and he didn't know how to speaks well his own language either, so I told him if he is really interested in doing well, you have to put some of effort on this and do extra assignments for yourself, at the beginning he seemed like interested because I explained to him that he is not stupid (because his little brother bothers him because the little one knows how to speak English Russian write and everything very good), he just came to America not in a good age for learning another language, and even more because in his country he just started writing when he came here; and the other student who was complete ignore by the teacher didn't do anything and the only thing that he received was discipline from the teacher, nothing else, and it is even more sad because he is going to change school next week.
For an activity I really tried hard to look for something for them (the Russian students) but I could find anything good enough for them, but I found interesting thing about how to teach to struggling writers.
Interesting article:
And some podcast:
I really think now that for me is more meaningful to teach English to students that really need it , like here, where you know than they can't survive without a good level of English, they are just been taught for having any job that a person can offer them, and that they can do it, not something more, not university nor something higher, and those kind of jobs are the ones that American people are not willing to do. On the other hand to teach to students that don't really need a second language, like in my country because we are surrounded by countries who Speaks only Spanish, they don't have the necessity as the students from here.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A case of efective language teaching
On my second day of shadowing I already saw an effective way of teaching that I found really good for students; and that we studied in classes, learning through content and realia. This thursday morning we started the lesson with questions that had a lot of meaning for kids, then the teacher asked them to moved and looked outside the window, then the teacher asked them to watched very carefuly, and think; what things do they think that weren´t there 100 years ag, so only with that questions the students begun to brain storming their minds and think about it and they really were engaged on that, they said a lot of things like, the cars were older and oldfashioned; but another student said: "nooo!!, by that time the cars weren't exists"; and with that the kids started a kind of a little debate. After that the teacher asked us to get together with students, "two for each chilean teacher" he said, and the kids got together with their thinking partner, that is a very good strategy; because the teacher engaged us with the students in their work, and we started to think about how people come to the United States in the begining of times.
The class had a very good environment and the students were engage on the class because since they are from diferents countries, the topic that the teacher chose was meaningful for them, they started to think about how they came to this country and they gave their opinions about what hapened before in this country.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
What Would you Like to Know about your Future Students?
- What their backgrounds are.
- What they would like to learn in English class.
- If they have any kid of problems in their families.
- and what they expect for their future and how can i help them to reach that goal.
I think as a teacher I need to know everything about my students not only some superficial things but also something depper than that; our students are going to be kids with social problems, we already know that, we are going to teach in public schools in Chile. So we need to pay attention in what we are going to teach them, has to be something with meaning in order that we can make a difference.
My Mistake!!!.....
... would like to know who you are, what your interest are, what your hobbies are or things that you don´t like, and if you want you can upload pictures of you, or pictures of your favourite singer , or anything that you want to upload. Please be respectful on what you are going to upload.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
3 Principles
I think that this principles as the majority of them ir very important the students can acquire the target language faster if you teach English with things that students are interested in. If you only based your classes on grammar or structures they are not going to feel the laguage they may feel that they are learning something that is not interested to them. Moreover now we have the tools to apply more things in a classroom, such as technology, internet where you can find a lot of stuff that for kids can be real and have a true meaning.
Learning Takes Place in Social Interaction
We know that students learn better if they have exposure to the target language and if they can practice it, even better so that is why I think that working in groups can really be a big help to them to improve their speaking and realized that it is much better if you have help from your classmates. If a student is isolated I think that he/she can feel very frustated or she/he is not going to be very succesful at learning.
Faith in the Learner Expands Student Potential
Me as a future teacher of English in my country I can not allow me not to have faith on my students I really want to make a difference on this, because most of my teachers said to me and my classmates in our senior year in highschool that none of us will be succesful in life that we were lazy and all those kind of things that really made me feel stupid in a point of my life and I think that that was something that we are going to remember for the rest of our lives, I still have contact to some of my old classmates and now we are friends in facebook and all of us had success in our lives in many ways, some of them are happily married, others girls are studying what they wanted to study and they are in the last year of their course of studies, I knew that some of us are in a foreing country (Europe, USA, Canada), so the teachers that said that to us they didn't have an idea what we were capable of, that is why I think we have to have faith i our students every person has differents abilities and our labor as a teacher is to help them to reach their goals and let them know how valuable are their abilities.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Chapter 6: Learning take Place in Social Interaction
Since we do not find that the activities that appears in Chapter six make sense for our teaching reality in Chile we have chosen just one, Cross-Age Tutoring.
We believe Cross-Age Tutoring activity can be the most suitable for our students in Chile. Owing to that most of the students feel that they can't not succeed in life, so they are not motivated with learning. However, if they see that someone older than them is interested in what they do or think, students realize that it is possible to learn any subject and be successful in it.
Now, We are involved in a program from the Ministry of Education called "Mentoring from Abroad", where we have to guide high school students who have a higher level of English in comparison to the average students of their class.
Despite the fact that it's a new project (Mentoring from Abroad) and we don't know which will be the results of its development, we think that it will be successful because those students have already participated in "The English Winter Camp", so they are already motivated in terms of learing English. That's why we think that they will be willing to participate, and the program will work.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Bilingualism & Biliteracy: 1st homework
For this profile I chose a public school (Liceo Tecnico Femenino)'cause I'm teaching English in several places.
Generally speaking the girls that attend classes are between lower and middle class. Most of them having serious problems at home. They are not the ideal student but many of them are fighting to obtain the best grades so they can have access to a better education environment. Girls are between 13 and 19 years old. Some of the girls are pregnant and attend classes in regular basis.
They wear a grey uniform and books from the Government are given to them. For the lower class students there are some special programmes to help them study normally.
II. Describe a learner in class:
Yassna Maldonado:
She's a 17 year old. She's in 12th grade (1ºE). She's a mother of a one-year-old baby. This student has just received a grant from the government (beca presidente de la república) given to
the highest scores in this high school. She's quite concerned on her physical appearance and her studies. She also helps her mother at work while she is taking care of her baby. She lives in Casablanca (about an hour and half from ValparaÃso) Despite the fact that she has lots of problems with his fiance (the father of her baby), she attends classes in regular basis and have a clear view of what English means in her curriculum. She is always taking notes on every single matter in classes. She's good at learing new things and keeping things in order. She's also the treasurer of the class.
Fabrizzio Araya M.
I think that this situation is very often in my country with the public education, poor school with students who have a lots of problems in their houses is sth that you have to face daily and you have to know how to deal with that. As the teacher mentioned there are some students who really wants to have a better education and that is why they are motivated to have better grades in order that they can entered to a good University and change their economical situation.
In the case of the student that he chose Yassna Maldonado, I can say that is a great example of motivation, you can tell how she is fighting for having sth more in life and with the grant I firmly belive that it is her big first step to succed in life, it is going to be hard but she has the willing to reach all her expection and goals.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Gina's social & psychological distance to Spanish language, culture & speakers
1. Social dominance. Whose social group is more dominant?
As we are in U.S.A the dominant group here is English native speakers, but on the other hand there is big group of Spanish native speaker, like mexican people that is not a minor group, the thing is that the Spanish speakers have to adapt to English not on the other way...
2. Integration pattern. How much do learners integrate, or do they do most things apart from the mainstream?
The learner can integrate to the Spanish culture here, because as I said before is not a minor group so they (Spanish group) do some events or places to get closer to each other and their culture, depens on the kind of learner and the motivation that she might have to attend o get closer to the Spanish culture.
3. Enclosure. To what extent does learner's group have their own resources for interaction, such as church, publications, club?
Gina has a lot of places to interact to Spanish people but her main resource is us (the chilean group).
4. Size. How large is the group?
Gina is not affected about this point since she is in the bigger group (English speakers).
5. Cohesiveness. How much does the group "stick together"?
Gina does not belong to a group of learners.
6. Cultural congruence. How are the cultural patterns and customs of the home culture and the target culture alike or different?
Both culture are very different but in a way they do really well together in terms that they need each other and also because U.S.A is now a country who mixes a lot of different cultures not only the Spanish.
7. Attitude. What attitudes do the home and target cultural groups have toward one another?
I believe that Gina has a very positive attitude toward the Spanish culture since she wants to learn the language.
8. Intended length of residence. How long does the learner intend to stay in the new country?
Gina lives in the U.S.
Psychological Distance
1. Motivation. Does the learner want to learn the new language?
Gina is very motivated to learn Spanish and she asked us to help her to reach that goal.
2. Attitude. How does the learner fell toward the target-culture group?
Since we are the target-culture for her I believe that she seems to be very comfortable surrounded by Spanish speakers.
3. Culture shock. Is the learner suffering culture shock?
There is no culture shock for Gina because she is going to learn Spanish in her country.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
School visit to Bridgeport & Brewster
In Brewster, as I write before, I found the environment very cold the relationship between theacher and student was very poor in terms of that the students solved their doubts with a classmate or by themselves the teacher didn't play a main role, that is good in a way, but in this case with those students that really needs some special attention you must be there for them!!!, also I found mechanic the way of teaching with physical response, I belive that is useful if you plan it or if you create it in the momment, but not that useful or interactive if you only read the statement that are in the teacher's book (scripted curriculum).
I like the visit to those cities and I think that I am learning more things every day from here, ones that can be useful to put into practice in my country and some of them that I don't , but now I know that, and that is why I came here.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Class Activity...

The use of Digital Cameras in the Classroom...
Level: Basic - Intermediate
• First you have to be conscious that kids do not know the value of the object that they are carrying, that is why students must be taught proper handling and safety rules when using the camera. If you do one-on-one training sessions with students to ensure that they understand how to handle the camera you are ready for the next step.
• Student must take appropriate pictures, the ease of using a digital camera allows students to snap many nonsense pictures.
• Privacy is another issue to keep in mind is when publishing photographs you have to have permission of parents & you have to know your school's policies.
• Remember that digital photography isn't just about taking pictures; it's about using the camera as a tool to help explore and understand other subjects!
Write a class novel and illustrate it with live-action photos of your students.
With this activity you can develop their writing skill & creative too, also make it more fun than a plain writing activity, plus interaction is another thing that you can develop with this activity due to the interaction right amount of time maybe can be an issue because children can be very restless.
Autonomy is a skill that with this activity they can reinforce because they have the responsibility of taking care of the digital camera & also of making a good job.
I believe that the 4 skill are develop here because they have to write & read what they are doing, also talk with their classmates and listen the instructions.
It is motivating because thy have the control of the use of digital camera & to create a good story using daily language.
Finally this activity is appropriate for all kinds of personalities because they can develop the topic that they want to do in a comfortable environment with authentic audience & with a clear objetive.....develop creativity in the student in an motivating way.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

ESL Podcast!!
Intermediate Student
My Student!!
Self introduction: http://www.eltpodcast.com/archive/oc/selfintro.html
Plain English:
What is a podcast: http://www.commoncraft.com/podcasting
RSS: http://commoncraft.com/rss_plain_english
To help Gina with her Spanish!!
Beginners learners: http://www.notesinspanish.com/category/beginners-podcast/
To read and listen: http://www.rollingrs.com/
to download to your ipod: http://spanish-podcast.com/
Monday, September 1, 2008
Summary -------> Comment......
Protea Textware Pty Ltd
Reviewed by Joy Egbert,
Vol. 8, Num. 1, January 2004, pp. 24-28.
“Many pronunciation experts agree that pronunciation teaching and learning must be situated in communicative contexts” (Fraser, 1999; Levis, 1999; Otlowski, 1998; Wennerstrom, 1999)
Connected Speech (CS):
It is software that it is used in classroom with the aim of improving clarity and accuracy of spoken communication, also helps students to develop effective communication skills and in terms of evaluation the CS uses recognition of speech and tells the student if the sound that they made is acceptably.
The role of the teacher working with this software:
It must be a facilitator rather than error corrector or ultimate speech model and in this role, the teacher can offer various models, provide opportunities for practice, suggest specific techniques, and give encouragement and advice to learners as they work toward intelligibility.
Morley (1991) calls this role the "speech coach."
This review talks about the different uses that we can do with the CS software in terms of using it in classes, it mentions the drawbacks and advantages of its uses also mentions that there is no interaction as the personal interaction with the real interests.
Friday, August 29, 2008
1. Why American people celebrate Labor Day the first Monday of September?
2. Why do people say not to wear white after Labor Day?
3. What is the relation between the Knight of Labor and the Labor Day?
J. Scott Payne & Brenda M. Ross
The Pennsylvania State University
This study is about how individual differences in working memory may affect the frequency of repetition of language use in chatroom discourse.
“Speaking is improved by practice speaking” (Scott & Ross, 2005)
“Student often produce more language in a chatroom than F2F setting” (Abrams, 2003; Kern, 1995; Worschower, 1996)
In this study the researchers showed a lot of different related studies that demonstrated the importance of being exposure to the L2. Also they mentioned the errors that these researchers made in order that does not mean that was a bad investigation but to say that in these kind of investigation you have a lot of variables that can change the whole investigation.
The main purpose if this research was to examine the patterns of language use as evidence in the chat transcript (that they mentioned before (experimental groups only)) with the goal of better understanding the interplay between individual differences in working memory capacity and cross-modality transfer of skill, as I mentioned before, from chatting to oral proficiency development.
In the research they asked to the student to talk about and discuss the topics that they gave them and the most popular were: Talking about childhood memories and plans for the future, also they asked to the student to talk for 5 minutes long and if they could not do that they asked them to choose a new topic and star all over again.
With these kind of exercises they achieve first, the use of repetition and relexicalization by third-semester Spanish learners as a strategy to facilitate communication in L2 chatroom discourse, but this declined in frequency over time, an effect that was unrelated to working memory capacity also they expand their lexicon and become more proficient in producing language spontaneously as required for conversational exchange, they reduce their reliance on repetition as a strategy for maintaining continuity in discourse.
In this study you can see an initial attempt at using working memory and their relation to L2 oral proficiency development and the findings of this lend further support to the notion that the chatroom may provide a unique form of support to certain types of learners in developing L2 oral proficiency.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Mind Map

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Learn English in a interactive way!!!!
It is a easy way to find different kind of activities through internet.
- Interaction: On this page you can find differents kind of interaction because you can find things for kids and for young people as well, this page leads you to others pages where appears listening, writing, reading and speaking exercises the four skills.
- Student-Focused: As we were saying during the clases the main point here is the student and teacher works as a guide only, with good instructions this page can be a good tool to teach English autonomous learning.
- Autonomy: The student have the autonomy to choose between many options that the page gives you, because it is separated in categories (the four skills) and when you click on one of the options this leads you instantaneously through the one that you need.
- 1Multimodal/2Integrated Skills: As I said before here you can find the four skills in differents types of activities.
- LISTENING http://www.lettertv.net/pages/audioalpha.htm
- WRITING http://englishinteractive.net/tutor.htm
- SPEAKING http://www.eslgold.com/speaking/speaking_situations.html
- READING http://www.americanfolklore.net/index.html
- Motivating: If we want to teach children as weall as a teenagers this is it!! you have too many options for those guys that gives you problems the page have a wide variety of everything and if you use it well good results you may have.
- Exposure to/Creation of varied language: Everyday conversation and more is what you can find here for student for advanced and kids.
- Feedback: There are so many pages that congratulates you when you do something right that I believed that is a good way to feedback in terms that if you do something right it repeats you and you received feedback instantaneously!!
- Appropiate to personalities, styles, intelligences: This page have everything in terms of having, as I said before, a wide variety of activities that every link leads you. So you can find things for kids as well things for teenagers and adults.
- Meaningful Activities: In the reading part I found this website that shows the American Folklore (link above reading part) and here you can find songs stories and more (cultural things).
- Authentic Audience: On this pages you can find a lot of new things to learn, like how to speak in certain occasions an so on.
- Clear Objectives: As this page is categorized in the four skills you can have pretty clear objectives in each, if it is for listening that is what you have american English, Pronunciation, alphabet etc.
- Comfortable Enviroment: I firmly believe that every teacher is responsible for the creation of a good enviroment in the classroom, give confidence to your student and make them fell that they can do everything!!...
- Go to the reading part and click on american folklore, go to myth & legends click on legendary women then click on female ghosts and again click on "La Llorona", read and discuss in pairs how similar is this story in comparison with "La Llorona" of Chile (for basic and intermediate learners)
- Go to the listening part and click on letter TV Then go to the Brick Wall part and click on that too and do the activity (for kids only).
Home Cooking
(typical dishes of my country).
But everything it is not wrong I love being here is pretty cool being with my friends knowing new people, practicing my English, knowing new places too and buy a lot of things that you cannot find in my country and very cheap!!..but I have to control myself because I am compulsive shopper and for that I have my lovely friends that tell my if I should buy it or not...I already love the experience and I hope to enjoy it more with the time...